dinsdag 13 april 2010


Do you know those days when you just feel braindead?! This is one of those days for me.

I'm at work, not a single thing to do... Actually, there is alot to do, but I just can't do it. I've no freakin' E-N-E-R-G-Y! =( I'm just sitting here, listening to bad music and staring at my screen.

And now even my colleagues refuse to talk to me. =/ Not because I'm a nerd, everyone knows I'm super cool, funny, smart and hot (...yeah). Neway, it's because I'm so tired, I keep asking "were you saying something?", when they've just spent fifteen minutes talking to me. I would hate me aswell.

It's like everytime one of them starts telling me about their crazy weekend, someone hits the snooze button and I fall asleep. Really guys, I am interested, honestly... Just bear with me.

And don't we all just love my scarf. I <3 blue. (Dunno how this is relevant for this post, but whatever! :p)

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